Tobacco Cessation Programs

Company-recognized tobacco cessation programs vary based upon available resources in your area. You can find information on programs through the following resources:
Your Lumen wellness program is administered by the medical plan administrators United HealthCare (UHC) and Bind.

Tobacco Cessation Program

Through the Well Connected Program you have access to a free tobacco cessation program, Quit For Life, with an Optum coach.

This program gives you one-to-one help from a personal coach. Your coach may help you:

  • Set a quit date
  • Create a personal action plan to help you reach your goals
  • Receive up to 12 weeks of the nicotine patch or gum at no additional cost to you
  • Plan for the challenges you will face while quitting
  • Find ways to overcome cravings
  • Manage your stress to help make quitting easier

Call 866-QUIT-4-LIFE TTY 711 or visit or to enroll in the Quit For Life program.

Other company recognized resources and programs

  • The American Lung Association's "Freedom from Smoking" program provides a 6-week online and in-person class option as well as a quit hotline and self-help guide to help you quit and stay tobacco free.
  • offers tools and resources to help you along your quit journey and to stay quit. Specific programs have been designed for vets, women, teens, 60+ and more.
  • Hospital/physician-based programs. Speak to your primary care provider regarding a specifically designed quit program for you, or local programs offered in your area.

Reminder: Alternative company-recognized tobacco cessation programs are NOT eligible for Well Connected rewards. Any expenses incurred for alternative programs are the responsibility of the employee or eligible dependents.

Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. and one of the top three cancers for those covered under a Lumen health plan. Lung cancer kills 90 percent of those affected, primarily because it is not generally caught in its early stages.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends an annual screening for individuals who have a 20 pack-year* or more smoking history, and

  • Currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years, and
  • Are between 50 and 80 years old.

*A pack-year is smoking an average of one pack of cigarettes per day for one year.

A CT lung (low dose computed tomography) scan can help detect lung cancer in its early stages and is covered 100% through the Lumen UnitedHealthcare Plans or the Bind Health Plan for those who meet the above criteria.

Talk to your primary healthcare provider to decide if you should be screened.

Well Connected Rewards

The Well Connected program offers a $250 reward to employees who complete a tobacco cessation coaching program. You will work one-on-one with your personal wellness coach to develop a plan based on your needs and lifestyle.

  • Complete five sessions by phone, group, chat, or SMS to earn a reward.
  • Estimated cost to you: $0
  • Reward: $250, limit 1 reward per year
  • Enroll by calling 866-QUIT-4-LIFE TTY 711 or visit 

Note: The Lumen Tobacco Cessation Program is available to employees and their enrolled family members at no cost. (Please note you and/or your dependents must be 18 years of age or older to enroll in the program.) You can earn $250 (toward the $600 annual reward limit) for completing this program through Rally, but the Rally health survey and Biometric Screening must be completed before other rewards are released.

Tobacco-free discount

You may be eligible for a discount to your medical benefit premiums based on how you answer the question on tobacco products usage.

To promote a healthy work environment, Lumen provides a tobacco-free discount that supports our ongoing focus on wellness. If you and your eligible dependents enrolled in a Lumen medical Plan option are non-tobacco users OR ARE ENROLLED IN a Company-recognized tobacco cessation program, you will receive a discount to the cost of your medical Plan premium.

What is a Company-recognized Program? Quit For Life is a Wellness Coaching Program sponsored by Lumen, but the medical discount is also available if you enroll in a tobacco cessation program of your choice, such as one sponsored by a local hospital or by the American Lung Association or one recommended by your doctor. The Plan will accommodate the recommendations of an individual’s personal doctor, if needed.

What is a Tobacco Product? Tobacco products include but are not limited to the following: chewing tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, hookahs, nicotine gels/dissolvables, pipe tobacco, tobacco snuff, vapors and other products associated with tobacco.

PLEASE NOTE: The Plan is committed to helping you achieve your best health. Quit For Life is a Wellness Coaching Program available to you and covered dependents over the age of 18 at no cost. You can find more information related to this Program at If you think you are unable to satisfy the requirement of this particular program, you can participate in a program of your choice to help you quit tobacco and the Plan will accommodate the recommendations of an individual’s personal doctor, if needed.

Please select your response to the following below:

  • Yes - I and/or my dependent/s enrolled in my medical plan option smoke or use tobacco products and are not enrolled in a Company-recognized tobacco cessation program. Therefore, I am not eligible for the discounted premium.
  • No - Neither I nor any of my dependent/s enrolled in my medical plan option smoke or use tobacco products; OR those that do use tobacco products are enrolled in a Company-recognized tobacco cessation program which includes the company-sponsored Optum program, but also a tobacco cessation program of my own choice, such as one sponsored by a local hospital or by the American Lung Association or one recommended by my doctor Therefore, I am eligible for the discounted medical Plan premiums.

Please make the appropriate selection based on the information provided above.

  • Yes
  • No

To verify your selection, please review your confirmation statement after you complete your enrollment. Under the medical plan details on your statement, it will indicate as a line item either:

  1. "You are enrolled in a medical plan option where the tobacco free discount was applied," or
  2. "You are enrolled in a medical plan option where the tobacco free discount was not applied."

Note: Quit For Life is a Wellness Coaching Program available to employees and covered dependent/s at no cost. You can find more information about this program on the Company Intranet. If you are unsure how to answer this question or if you have a medical condition that does not allow you to stop using tobacco products and/or does not allow you to enroll in a smoking cessation program, please contact the Service Center at 833-925-0487 for further assistance prior to completing your enrollment to learn about alternatives to obtain the discount. The Plan will accommodate the recommendations of an individual’s personal doctor, if needed.

If you don't make any changes, your current enrollment election will continue, if applicable.

Tobacco Free Workplace

No Smoking Policy

To promote a healthy work environment, smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco is prohibited in all Lumen work facilities. Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco is also prohibited in Lumen owned, leased or rented vehicles. If an employee wishes to smoke or use smokeless tobacco, it must be done during regular break periods, away from any work areas, in provided designated smoking areas.

Some Company locations have more restrictive policies regarding smoking that are to be followed.

Alternative "Smokeless" Electronic Devices

Electronic devices such as "smokeless" cigarettes, cigars, and pipes (or any other similar device which gives the appearance of tobacco use) advertised as "smoking alternatives" or "smoking cessation" devices are to be treated in the same way as actual tobacco products and are permitted only during regular break periods away from any work areas, in provided designated smoking areas.

Smoking and Use of Tobacco Cessation Programs

For those regular full-time employees who feel they need professional assistance in breaking the smoking or smokeless tobacco habit, Lumen provides a smoking and smokeless cessation program through our health care provider. In addition, Lumen provides a tobacco-free discount for medical benefits.

Monroe Headquarters - Tobacco Free Campus

To continue our efforts in transforming our culture to one where individual well-being is a priority, the Monroe Corporate Campus is a tobacco free campus. All forms of tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, are prohibited.